Education Centre

Veterans’ Oral Histories

Recorded interviews of veterans who served in New Guinea.

We are privileged to be able to hear interviews from 16 veterans about the Kokoda campaign. They provide a unique opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of conditions leading up to, and during the battles along the Track.

They provide a glimpse into, and bring to life, what it was like to be on the Track, or supporting the troops fighting there, and connect us with the heroism and resilience of those who were there. 

Note: some interviews contain graphic descriptions.

You may also be interested to read fascinating details of some individuals or units who served in the New Guinea/Kokoda campaigns. The ‘Stories from the Plaques’ series of short articles feature details based on plaques in our Memorial Rose Garden. Read these fascinating stories here.

Audio versions of the text on each of the 22 Walkway Stations is now available on each Station webpage.


Notes: The interview numbers are consecutive, so to hear the veteran's complete story you should listen to the interviews in order. For technical reasons, some segments have been omitted. The numbers in brackets refer to the duration of the interview ie (3.48) = 3 mins 48 seconds.


The Walkway’s success is dependent on the goodwill and services of many volunteers. You may wish to support the Walkway by becoming a volunteer, joining the Friends of Kokoda or by donating