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Make a Bequest

Your gift will honour your memory, and help us to uphold the values we all respect.

By leaving a bequest to the Walkway, you will have a stake in our country’s future while at the same time ensuring the sacrifices of the past are not forgotten.


Bequests, both large and small, provide significant support in maintaining the Walkway as a unique and tranquil location, where the sacrifices made by the generation of men and women who served Australia during World War Two are commemorated.

We strive to educate the all generations of Australians to learn from history, and recognise freedom comes with sacrifices.


It is important to seek the advice of a qualified solicitor or trustee when making your Will. The Law Institute or Society in your State/Territory can refer you to a solicitor who will ensure that your Will is valid, and your wishes are expressed correctly.

Here are some ways to make a bequest to the Walkway:

  • Leave the residue of your estate after specific bequests have been left to family and friends.
  • Leave a nominated portion or a fixed percentage of your estate. This guards against the effects of inflation over time.
  • Leave a specific gift, such as property or shares.

Remember to review your Will every few years to ensure it still reflects your wishes.

Before making a bequest, please read the KTMW’s Gift Acceptance Policy.

For further enquiries, please contact us.


Refer to this suggested bequest wording for your Will when leaving a gift to the Walkway



The Walkway’s success is dependent on the goodwill and services of many volunteers. You may wish to support the Walkway by becoming a volunteer, joining the Friends of Kokoda or by donating