The Walkway

Memorial Rose Garden & Plaques

The Memorial Rose Garden contains over 500 plaques, primarily dedicated to individuals and military units who served in World War Two.

The Memorial Rose Garden is located on the northern end of the Walkway directly opposite the Concord Repatriation General Hospital.


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The Memorial Rose Garden forms a peaceful entrance to the Walkway, and features two semi-circular memorial walls among beds of roses. The Bruce Kingsbury VC path links the Memorial Rose Garden to the Walkway.

There are over 500 plaques in the Memorial Garden, the majority being dedicated to the memory of individuals and/or military units who served, gave their lives or supported the troops in the Papua New Guinea and Kokoda campaigns.

When visiting the Walkway please take the time to visit the Memorial Rose Garden. The plaques are a touching reminder of the men and women who have served our country. You will see common themes of love, remembrance, mateship, endurance, courage and pride among the inscriptions.

Purchasing a memorial plaque: there are still a few vacant spots in the Memorial Rose Garden. Cost (including GST) is $350.00 which includes artwork, casting and mounting. Please contact us for further details. Payment can be made here once all details are have been confirmed.


Memorial Plaque searching tips

  • Most plaques are under an individual’s name e.g. ‘Smith, John’.
  • Plaques featuring multiple names are generally listed separately under each person’s name.
  • Plaques for military units can be viewed under their numeric listings e.g. ‘2/1st Field Ambulance’.
  • Plaques listing more than one military unit are listed under the relevant numeric listings e.g. ‘4 Army Co-Operation Squadron And 16 Air Observation Post Flight’ are listed separately under both unit names.
  • Plaques dedicated more generally are listed under the donor organisation e.g. ‘Concord Golf Club’.
  • If a military unit has dedicated a plaque to a particular group, there are seperate listings for each e.g. ‘3rd Battalion (Papuan Carriers)’ is listed under ‘3rd Battalion’ and ‘Papuan Carriers’.

Please contact us if you have any questions about existing plaques.

When visiting the Walkway please take time to visit the Memorial Rose Garden.

If you are interested in arranging a memorial plaque, please contact us.








To promote the Memorial Rose Garden, and to highlight stories behind the individuals or groups on the plaques, the Walkway is pleased to feature ‘Stories from the Plaques’, written by the Walkway’s Project Officer John Hall.

No. 1 Joe Rorkin (Rovkin): a young man (aged only 16) born halfway around the world, who chose to fight for his adopted country, but that action lead to his untimely death.

No. 2 James and Edley Simmondstwo inseparable brothers from the Forbes district who enlisted, fought and sadly died together on the Track.

No. 3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander servicemen: in NAIDOC Week, we remember some First Nations individuals who served with distinction on the Track.

No. 4 LTCOL Clara (Clare) Shumack AANS: For over three and a half years, Matron Shumack lead the nursing staff on the AHS Manunda, which brought ill and wounded back to Australia during the war, including many from the Kokoda campaigns. But it was not without great personal risk.

No. 5  The ‘Sallymen’: Salvation Army Officers: Salvation Army Officers established their ‘Hop In’ centres along the Track, earning the respect of the weary troops. John McCabe and Albert Moore typified the work of the ‘Salvos’ during the Kokoda campaign (and beyond).

‘Stories from the Plaques’: read fascinating details of those commemorated on the plaques.

The Rose Garden Plaques


The Walkway’s success is dependent on the goodwill and services of many volunteers. You may wish to support the Walkway by becoming a volunteer, joining the Friends of Kokoda or by donating